Message from our CEO - March 2021

We are extremely excited to welcome so many of our members back into the Y facility. As more people become fully vaccinated, we expect our number of active members will increase, which is positive news.

The Y has experienced a significant loss of active members and membership revenue over the past year. We are eager to begin the recovery and renewal stage of this pandemic. Our community needs recovery and renewal!

The last year has been challenging for everyone, and we can all benefit from socialization and wellness support.

Covid-19 has worsened the mental health crisis in our communities. Anxiety, depression, alcohol usage, sleep issues, and increased stress are a few of the many problems on the rise.


The Y is committed to helping our community regain wellness through:


*socialization, and

*community connection.

As we prepare for the recovery and renewal phase, the Y team has identified several strategies to welcome our community back and provide the support needed to help people regain physical and mental health.


These strategies include:

  • Ensure that the Y is a welcoming and supportive space for all members of our community.

  • Provide a wide variety of wellness options outdoors this spring and summer.

  • Provide mental health resources and education about the positive impact of exercise on one’s mental health.

  • Increase access to outdoor activities and spaces that encourage safe and comfortable socialization.

  • Repurpose space to meet increased facility use while maintaining required distance.

  • Increase facility hours and program options as membership increases.

  • Maintain safety standards and cleaning routines.

We are committed to helping our community heal from the trauma the pandemic has created.

As we move into this next phase of recovery, please understand that there are rules about masks and maintaining social distance that we all must follow regardless of one’s vaccination status or personal belief system. This includes wearing your mask while in the locker rooms. Y employees are required to enforce these rules. Please do not make that more difficult for our

employees by provoking the uncomfortable request to put your mask on or bring it up over your nose. The rules are clear, and I respectfully ask you to avoid the Y facility if you cannot follow them at this time.

We are moving in the direction of recovery, renewal, and HOPE.
The entire Y team is ready to support your journey and welcome you back!

“Hope is like the sun, which as we journey toward it casts the shadow of our burden behind us.” Samuel Smiles


Michele Rulnick
CEO, President of the Northern Middlesex YMCA

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