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Test. Check-In. Swim!

All children under the age of 14 will be tested and marked according to swim ability.


When checking in, indicate to the Welcome Center Staff that you will be visiting the pool. They will issue the correct wristband for your child based on testing results entered into your account.


Have fun in our pools! After your swim, please return your wristband to the Welcome Center as you exit the Y.

Level Descriptions


  • Ages 8+: Children ages 8+ may take the DEEP WATER SWIM TEST to swim in all zones. BLUE BAND swimmers ages 12+ may swim either pools without an adult in the pool area.


  • Ages 6+: Children ages 6+ may take the SHALLOW WATER SWIM TEST to swim in the RED ZONE (small pool) and YELLOW ZONES (shallow water less than 5 feet deep), without an accompanying adult in the water, as long as the adult SUPERVISES FROM THE POOL EDGE. Children ages 12-13 who earn a YELLOW BAND must have a supervising adult in the pool area to swim in the large pool.


  • Any child that is ineligible or unable to pass the SHALLOW WATER SWIM TEST (regardless of their age), will receive a RED BAND, indicating that they are limited to the RED ZONES (small pool), or YELLOW ZONES (shallow water less than 5 feet deep). RED BAND swimmers must be accompanied by an actively engaged adult (18 or older) IN THE WATER and stay within an arm’s reach AT ALL TIMES, regardless of age.


All test sequences must be done consecutively without resting, touching the bottom, or grabbing the side of the pool, ladder, ramp, or lane lines. All tests are completed in the large pool.



Children 6+ years old are eligible to take the SHALLOW WATER SWIM TEST

  • Plunge: Jump into water that is over the child’s head and easily return to the surface.

  • Swim: 10 yards swimming on front, legs not dropping past a 45 degree angle.

  • Float: Float on back for 10 seconds, keeping face out of water.

  • Exit: Exit the pool independently without the use of a ladder, stairs, or ramp.


Children 8+ years old tall are eligible to take the DEEP WATER SWIM TEST

  • Plunge: Jump into water that is over the child’s head and easily return to the surface.

  • Swim: Swim two lengths of the pool, a total of 50 yards, unassisted and without resting: 25 maintaining freestyle with arms out of the water and rotary breathing, and 25 yards backstroke with arms coming out of the water.

  • Tread: Keep head above water while treading for 30 seconds.

  • Exit: Exit the pool independently without the use of a ladder, stairs, or ramp.

Additional Policies

  • All children under the age of 14 will be tested and marked with a wristband according to swim ability.

  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult in the pool area at all times, regardless of their swim level.

  • Children 12-13 years old must pass the DEEP WATER SWIM TEST to swim in the large pool without an accompanying adult in the pool area.

  • Swim tests are valid for ONE YEAR, after which swimmers must retest.

  • Any child under the age of 6 MUST be accompanied IN THE WATER by an actively engaged adult over the age of 18 who must remain within arm’s reach AT ALL TIMES.

  • RED BANDS and YELLOW BANDS may access the BLUE ZONE (deep water) when accompanied by an adult (18 and older) IN THE WATER AND WITHIN ARMS REACH.

  • One adult may not be responsible for more than 4 RED BAND and YELLOW BAND swimmers in the pool at one time. Of the maximum of 4 children, NO MORE THAN 2 can be RED BAND swimmers.

  • Aquatic staff reserve the right to deep water test any swimmer and/or deny any swimmer entry into deep water, regardless of age.

  • The YMCA highly recommends and will provide non-swimmers with a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD/life jacket) in addition to having an adult within an arm’s reach (ONLY USCG-approved PFDs are permitted in YMCA pools).

  • For youth and camp programming, PFDs must be worn by RED BAND swimmers at all times.


These guidelines are for swimmers’ protection and to support effective supervision of the pool area.

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Nuestro Compromiso con la Inclusión:

La Y está formada por personas de todas las edades y de todos los ámbitos de la vida que trabajan codo con codo para fortalecer las comunidades. Juntos trabajamos para garantizar que todas las personas, independientemente de su capacidad, edad, origen cultural, origen étnico, fe, género, identidad de género, ideología, ingresos, origen nacional, raza u orientación sexual, tengan la oportunidad de alcanzar su máximo potencial con dignidad. Nuestros valores fundamentales son el cariño, la honestidad, el respeto y la responsabilidad; guían todo lo que hacemos.

La YMCA de Northern Middlesex no discrimina por motivos de identidad de género, incluido el uso de baños y vestuarios. Los clientes de la YMCA pueden usar el baño y el vestuario de su identidad de género. Si algún cliente prefiere más privacidad, ese cliente puede usar nuestro vestuario mixto y/o nuestros baños individuales ubicados en el vestíbulo o el centro familiar. La YMCA se compromete a adaptar nuestras políticas a medida que continuamos evolucionando y creando un entorno más inclusivo para todos.

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