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The Northern Middlesex YMCA Annual Support Campaign

Thursday, November 7, 2024

6pm at The Elks Club - Middletown

Event Details 

  • 15 Games, 3 cards per game & daubers are included in the ticket price. 

  • Additional game cards will be available for purchase at the event. 

  • Cash Bar available / No alcohol may be brought in to the Elks Club. 

  • Food: You may bring your own food (BYOF) or PREORDER from Karabella's Catering. See menu below. Email pre-orders to


Thank you for your interest and support. There are three registration options below.  

  • Table of 8 - $475. Enter a company or table name and the name and email address of each person at your table.

  • Table of 10 - $575. Enter a company or table name and the name and email address of each person at your table.

  • Individual ticket - $60 


Sneak Peek at PRIZES

Sponsorship Info

Northern Middlesex YMCA Designer Bags & Bottles Bingo Sponsorship Form
Thursday, November 7, 2024 6-10 pm at the Elks Lodge, Middletown, CT

Platinum @ $5000
􀁸 Signage at the event
􀁸 Acknowledgement on event promotions
􀁸 Website acknowledgement and link
􀁸 Social Media Tag (Instagram, FB)
􀁸 8 comp tickets

Silver @ $1000
􀁸 Signage at the event
􀁸 Website acknowledgement and link
􀁸 Social Media Tags (Instagram, FB)
􀁸 4 comp tickets

Gold @ $2500
􀁸 Signage at the event
􀁸 Acknowledgement on event
􀁸 Website acknowledgement and link
􀁸 Social Media Tag (Instagram, FB)
􀁸 6 comp tickets

Bronze @ $500
􀁸 Game Sponsor (15 available)
􀁸 Signage at the event
􀁸 Website acknowledgement and link
􀁸 Social Media Tags (Instagram, FB)

Return the sponsorship form with payment to:
Northern Middlesex YMCA Bingo Event, 99 Union Street, Middletown CT 06457
Make checks payable to Middlesex YMCA with BINGO in the memo.

(option to include credit card info on the form)

Please send your company logo in high resolution (JPEG/PDF) to no later than August 31st for full benefit of sponsorship.
Many thanks for your support. Questions?
Please contact Betsy at the YMCA at 860.343.6203 or


Please send me information about:

Thank you! We'll be in touch soon! 

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Nuestro Compromiso con la Inclusión:

La Y está formada por personas de todas las edades y de todos los ámbitos de la vida que trabajan codo con codo para fortalecer las comunidades. Juntos trabajamos para garantizar que todas las personas, independientemente de su capacidad, edad, origen cultural, origen étnico, fe, género, identidad de género, ideología, ingresos, origen nacional, raza u orientación sexual, tengan la oportunidad de alcanzar su máximo potencial con dignidad. Nuestros valores fundamentales son el cariño, la honestidad, el respeto y la responsabilidad; guían todo lo que hacemos.

La YMCA de Northern Middlesex no discrimina por motivos de identidad de género, incluido el uso de baños y vestuarios. Los clientes de la YMCA pueden usar el baño y el vestuario de su identidad de género. Si algún cliente prefiere más privacidad, ese cliente puede usar nuestro vestuario mixto y/o nuestros baños individuales ubicados en el vestíbulo o el centro familiar. La YMCA se compromete a adaptar nuestras políticas a medida que continuamos evolucionando y creando un entorno más inclusivo para todos.

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