What is Pickleball and When Can I Play at the Y?
What is Pickleball?? Pickleball was created for all skill levels, combining the elements of tennis, ping pong and badminton. The rules are simple, the game is easy to learn, it’s tons of fun and a decent workout. While Pickleball can be a competitive workout, it’s easy to learn and play!

Pickleball is played on a court smaller than a tennis court with a net, a paddle and a ball similar to that of a wiffle ball. You can play singles or doubles and the scoring and rules are easy to follow. To learn the rules of Pickleball and more about the sport, visit: www.usapa.org.
When can I play? Two nets are set up in the GYMNASIUM for DROP IN PLAY:
Monday 8:25am-9:55am
Tuesday 9:30am-11am
Wednesday 8:25am-9:55am
Friday 8:15am-9:45am.
Want more play time? Check with our Welcome Center Staff about reserving half of the gym.
To allow our team to update the online gymnasium schedule and coordinate a staff to set up the net, please allow for at least 24 hours notice of your reservation request.
Monday 7:30am - 8:25am
Tuesday 7:30am - 9:30am
Wednesday 7:30am - 8:25am
Thursday 7:30am-9am