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March, 2019


Nancy described her relationship with the Y from 2006 – 2016 as “on and off again”, taking a few step classes here and there. For 6 years, her daughter swam on the Y Barracuda team. Nancy confesses, “For many years, I continued to be a member of the Y, but I never took advantage of any of the programs or even stepped foot inside the door.”

In the Spring of 2016, Nancy was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. “It was a

wake up call that made me want to make some changes to my diet and

lifestyle.”  For over a year, Nancy made small changes on her own at home.

When her 10 year old treadmill died, her daughter Kasey encouraged Nancy

to go to the Y and use their family membership. Nancy remembers, “My first

thought was, ‘I can’t go there. I would be the fattest and oldest person

there.”  Kasey convinced Nancy to come to the Y with her and Nancy

realized, “The Y is ‘everyone’s gym’. Young. Old. Fit. No so fit. All people just

trying to live a healthy lifestyle.”


Nancy’s  ultimate goal is to live with diabetes without taking medication.

“Meeting with Craig, Y Personal Trainer, has been the best thing I could

have done for myself.”

In July 2017, Nancy signed up for the Diabetes Wellness program, a 12 week program designed to encourage exercise and lower body weight. During twice a month training sessions, Nancy learned new exercises and weight training workouts.

“Not only has it provided me with motivation to come to the Y regularly, Craig has challenged me to do things I did not think I could do. He even has me doing the rowing machine!”

At the end of her 12 week Diabetes Wellness Program, Nancy’s fasting glucose went from 114 to 98 and her A1C went from 6.1 to 5.6 and considered normal for a non diabetic person.

“I couldn’t be happier with the results from working out, strength training and the Diabetes Wellness Program. The Middlesex YMCA, programs and especially the staff members have had such a positive impact on my health and my life.”

YMCA Member, Successful participant of Diabetes Wellness Program & Personal Training

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Our Commitment to Inclusion:


The Y is made up of people of all ages and from every walk of life working side by side to strengthen communities. Together we work to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, age, cultural background, ethnicity, faith, gender, gender identity, ideology, income, national origin, race or sexual orientation, has the opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity. Our core values are caring, honesty, respect and responsibility—they guide everything we do.

The Northern Middlesex YMCA does not discriminate on the basis of gender identity, including the use of bathrooms and locker rooms. YMCA patrons are permitted to use the bathroom and locker room of their gender identity. If any patron would prefer more privacy, that patron may use our co-ed locker room and/or our individual bathrooms located in the Lobby or Family center. The YMCA is committed to adapting our policies as we continue to evolve and create a more inclusive environment for all. 

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